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Using the DRDP (2015) in Preschool Special Education

This video illustrates the use and value of the DRDP (2015) in preschool special education to monitor progress, inform instruction, connect with families, create IEP goals, support embedded instruction, and reflect on practices.

Training Report Fall 2018

In August 2018, the California Department of Education, Special Education Division began requiring that all special education DRDP (2015) assessors complete a training program to increase the accuracy of the DRDP (2015) data. This report describes the results of the first six months of this new training requirement.

2017-2018 Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Analyses Report

DIF analysis is used to investigate whether measures on an assessment instrument functions differently for different groups of children. Examination of DIF is important to determine whether subgroups of children who possess comparable ability levels have equal (or different) likelihood of receiving the same ratings on the measures. This analysis provides evidence that the DRDP (2015) generally functions as intended for all children of the same ability level (i.e., no bias in a specific developmental area or skill). The two subgroups examined are children with disabilities (infants and toddlers with IFSPs and preschool children with IEPs) and children without disabilities.


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