Policy and Research

Data Bytes | Policy | Research

The Desired Results Developmental Profile [DRDP (2015)] is designed to assist the California Department of Education in determining the effectiveness of its early care and education programs. CDE's Special Education Division (SED) implements the DRDP (2015) in Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) to comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004) and requirements of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). The Desired Results Access Project conducts research, technical studies, and evaluation activities to support the use of the DRDP (2015) for special education.

Data Bytes

Data Byte: Change in Percent of Children Meeting Age Expectations in Language from Fall 22 to Spring 23, showing reduction of deaf children meeting age expectations of 4 point one percent, hard of hearing children a reduction of point one percent, and all other children increased by 3 point 3 percentWith the inclusion of Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten, DRDP submissions now represent a more complete picture of early learning progress!

The Fall 2024 DRDP policy expansion now requires assessments for all children ages 3–5 with IEPs in Preschool, TK, and K, leading to a significant increase in DRDP submissions. The CDE Special Education Division (SED) continues to require DRDPs for all infants and toddlers with IFSPs served by LEAs, ensuring a comprehensive view of early learning progress for children receiving special education services.

Data Byte: Change in Percent of Children Meeting Age Expectations in Language from Fall 22 to Spring 23, showing reduction of deaf children meeting age expectations of 4.1%, hard of hearing children a reduction of .1%, and all other children increased by 3.3%There is an urgent need to support language rich environments for young deaf and hard of hearing children who are falling behind in language. The percentage of deaf children birth through five meeting age expectations decreased by 4 percentage points from fall to spring, a pattern indicative of falling farther behind on language benchmarks.

Desired Results Access Project Data Byte #2: Graph showing how in 2021-2022, the % of SELPAs meeting state targets for preschooler's use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs increasedAs part of child outcomes reporting, the DR Access Project annually calculates the percent of preschoolers exiting preschool special education functioning at age expectations in “Use of Appropriate Behaviors to Meet Needs”*.

Data Byte: social-emotional development of preschool children with IEPs in California: 76%-67%: almost 10% decrease in those meeting age expectations.Across the country we are seeing impacts on the social-emotional development of young children due to COVID. National experts explain that these impacts are the result of exacerbated adverse childhood experiences, limited opportunities for social interaction, and reduced enrollment in Pre-K and early intervention services.


DRDP requirements are expanding this fall to include any child enrolled in preschool, TK, and K who is 3, 4, or 5-years old. Policy details in this document.

Describes the requirements of Public Law 108-446, (IDEA 2004) and the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) that form the legal basis for the participation of infants and toddlers and their families with Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) and preschool-age children with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) in the DRDP (2015). The DRDP (2015) enables California to comply with these federal laws.

Outlines the responsibilities of SELPA staff and special education administrators for the DRDP.

The California Department of Education/Special Education Division uses DRDP data for the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) to meet requirements of the federal Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). This document describes the relationship between the DRDP and Indicator 7 of the SPP/APR: Preschool Outcomes.

A document illustrating how the Domains and Measures of the DRDP (2015) used in early childhood special education correspond to the three OSEP outcomes.

Senate Bill 210 requires the California Department of Education (CDE) to assess the language and literacy development of children, birth to five years of age, identified as deaf and hard of hearing and to annually report their progress. The CDE, Special Education Division (SED), uses the same information and formulas used to meet federal reporting requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to meet the SB 210 requirements.


DIF analysis is used to investigate whether measures on an assessment instrument functions differently for different groups of children. Examination of DIF is important to determine whether subgroups of children who possess comparable ability levels have equal (or different) likelihood of receiving the same ratings on the measures. This analysis provides evidence that the DRDP (2015) generally functions as intended for all children of the same ability level (i.e., no bias in a specific developmental area or skill). The two subgroups examined are children with disabilities (infants and toddlers with IFSPs and preschool children with IEPs) and children without disabilities.

This report outlines the technical properties of the Desired Results Developmental Profile (2015) which stem from the specifications that guided the development of the DRDP (2015) to produce a statewide early childhood assessment. The criteria for a high-quality early childhood assessment are presented within 10 indicators along with evidence for how the DRDP (2015) meets each criteria.

This document describes the findings of the 2014-15 Interrater Agreement Study conducted by the Desired Results Access Project. The study investigated rating agreements between pairs of special education assessors who independently rated the DRDP (2015) for the same child within the same time period.

In August 2018, the California Department of Education, Special Education Division began requiring that all special education DRDP (2015) assessors complete a training program to increase the accuracy of the DRDP (2015) data. This report describes the results of the first six months of this new training requirement.