Data Byte: A more complete picture of early learning progress

Data Byte: Change in Percent of Children Meeting Age Expectations in Language from Fall 22 to Spring 23, showing reduction of deaf children meeting age expectations of 4 point one percent, hard of hearing children a reduction of point one percent, and all other children increased by 3 point 3 percentWith the inclusion of Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten, DRDP submissions now represent a more complete picture of early learning progress!

The Fall 2024 DRDP policy expansion now requires assessments for all children ages 3–5 with IEPs in Preschool, TK, and K, leading to a significant increase in DRDP submissions. The CDE Special Education Division (SED) continues to require DRDPs for all infants and toddlers with IFSPs served by LEAs, ensuring a comprehensive view of early learning progress for children receiving special education services.