DRDP Timeline for Early Intervention and Special Education
Download PDF of Timeline postcard
Get Started:
- Identify eligible children to assess.
- Any infant or toddler receiving services from an LEA with a signed IFSP andreceiving special education services must be assessed.
- Any child enrolled in preschool, TK, or K who is 3, 4, or 5-years old, has asigned IEP, and is receiving special education services must be assessed.
- If the child turns 6 at any point during the school year (July 1 through June 30),the DRDP is not required in either the fall or spring assessment periods.
- Children must begin special education services before November 1 for thefall assessment and before April 1 for the spring assessment.
- Check with your administrator about when and where to submit your Rating Records.
Complete the DRDP for Each Eligible Child:
- The assessment should be initiated within the first 60 calendar days of services.
- Observe & document children’s skills on the DRDP measures throughout the fall and spring.
- In the six-week period before your SELPA’s fall and spring deadlines, focus on themeasures for which you do not have sufficient observations and documentation.Observations should be current with a child’s skills.
- Complete an Information Page/Rating Record for each eligible child.
Produce Reports of Results:
- Using SEIS or SIRAS? Once you input your DRDP data in the IFSP/IEP your DRDP results will automaticallytransfer nightly to DRAccessReports.org if you enteryour Reports account email while entering records.
- Produce DRDP reports for childrenat any time to plan instruction;inform goals, outcomes,and learning targets;share with families;and track progress.