Special Education Administrators' Responsibilities for the DRDP

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Local Administrators and Supervisors

  • Keep current on DRDP policies and resources
  • Assure all assessors have access to the most current DRDP manual and guidance materials
  • Remind assessors to:
    • follow the essential steps in using the DRDP for special education
    • complete all measures and Information Page fields
    • use "Unable to Rate" only when a child has an extended absence.
    • submit DRDP assessments by the local program's deadline
  • Work with the SELPA director to assure all assessors in the district complete required DRDP training
  • Assure that IFSP and IEP teams record on the IFSP or IEP that the DRDP is used for assessment
  • Encourage assessors to generate reports of a child's DRDP results and use the information for instructional planning
  • Support assessors to collaborate with families, general educators, and other staff in completing the DRDP and using the results

SELPA Data Managers

  • Keep current and use local MIS and DR Access Data procedures for reporting DRDP data
  • Submit the DRDP datafile to DR Access Data for certification by the SELPA director by the CDE/SED deadlines (fall data by Feb. 1 and spring data by July 1) and if necessary, address any data upload errors

SELPA Directors

  • Work with local administrators to assure all assessors complete required DRDP training. (including review of the DR Access Training Report to identify who completed training and sharing it with local administrators)
  • Assure all eligible children are assessed with the DRDP within 60 days of beginning special education services:
    • infants and toddlers with Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) who are reported to the CDE/SED
    • children with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) ages three through five and who do not turn six during the school year
  • Establish the deadline when DRDP assessments are due to the SELPA
  • Assure that the SELPA data manager knows how to submit DRDP data to DR Access Data
  • Assure that DRDP data are collected, submitted, and certified by the SED's deadlines
  • Review the DR Access Data Quality reports and follow up as needed

Core Resources

To keep current:

To access DRDP manuals and guidance materials:

To access required training: DR Access Learn

For IFSP and IEP Team Responsibilities: IFSP and IEP Team Responsibilities for the DRDP

To generate child-level DRDP reports for special education: DR Access Reports

To submit and certify SELPA-level DRDP data: DR Access Data