New! The DR Access Child Report is now available in Spanish!
For the first time, a report of DRDP results is available in Spanish. The Child Report can be produced in Spanish through DR Access Reports. Login today to print these reports to share developmental and learning updates with families, celebrate successes, and plan next steps together.
Learn Lab: The 2022-23 Preschool Outcomes Data are Out! Join us to interpret local reports.
Does your SELPA or district show improved preschool outcome results?
Find out by joining Dr. Elizabeth Schroeder and Dr. Cornelia Taylor for this one-hour session to learn how to interpret the preschool outcomes reports. The 2022-2023 child outcomes results have just been released—join us to look at your latest data!
Join the Desired Results Access Project Team
The Desired Results Access Project at the Napa County Office of Education is seeking a Training Manager beginning in July 2024. The qualified candidate will demonstrate experience with developing large-scale professional learning activities and will provide these related to the DRDP statewide for educators of children IEPs and IFSPs and their families. Apply for the Training Manager position now in EdJoin.
Learn Lab: Rating the DRDP for Children with More Intensive Needs
The DRDP was designed to measure the developmental and learning progress of all children with IFSPs and IEPs. Would you like support in rating the measures for children with more intensive needs? Do you have strategies to share?
Join us for this one-hour Learn Lab to hear helpful tips and practice rating measures with us.