DRDP (2015) Preschool Fundamental View Rating Booklet

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DRDP (2015) – An Early Childhood Developmental Continuum
Rating Booklet
Preschool Fundamental View
For use with preschool-age children with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)

© 2013 California Department of Education
All Rights Reserved. Permission to reproduce only for instructional purposes.


Linked List of Measures

ATL-REG 1: Attention Maintenance | ATL-REG 2: Self-Comforting | ATL-REG 3: Imitation | ATL-REG 4: Curiosity and Initiative in Learning | ATL-REG 5: Self-Control of Feelings and Behavior | ATL-REG 6: Engagement and Persistence | ATL-REG 7: Shared Use of Space and Materials

SED 1: Identity of Self in Relation to Others | SED 2: Social and Emotional Understanding | SED 3: Relationships and Social Interactions with Familiar Adults | SED 4: Relationships and Social Interactions with Peers | SED 5: Symbolic and Sociodramatic Play

LLD 1: Understanding of Language (Receptive) | LLD 2: Responsiveness to Language | LLD 3: Communication and Use of Language (Expressive) | LLD 4: Reciprocal Communication and Conversation | LLD 5: Interest in Literacy | LLD 6: Comprehension of Age-Appropriate Text | LLD 7: Concepts About Print | LLD 8: Phonological Awareness | LLD 9: Letter and Word Knowledge | LLD 10: Emergent Writing

ELD 1: Comprehension of English (Receptive English) | ELD 2: Self-Expression in English (Expressive English) | ELD 3: Understanding and Response to English Literacy Activities | ELD 4: Symbol, Letter, and Print Knowledge in English

COG 1: Spatial Relationships | COG 2: Classification | COG 3: Number Sense of Quantity | COG 4: Number Sense of Math Operations | COG 5: Measurement | COG 6: Patterning | COG 7: Shapes

PD-HLTH 1: Perceptual-Motor Skills and Movement Concepts | PD-HLTH 2: Gross Locomotor Movement Skills | PD-HLTH 3: Gross Motor Manipulative Skills | PD-HLTH 4: Fine Motor Manipulative Skills | PD-HLTH 5: Safety | PD-HLTH 6: Personal Care Routines: Hygiene | PD-HLTH 7: Personal Care Routines: Feeding | PD-HLTH 8: Personal Care Routines: Dressing | PD-HLTH 9: Active Physical Play | PD-HLTH 10: Nutrition



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Developmental Domain: ATL–REG – Approaches to Learning–Self–Regulation

ATL-REG 1: Attention Maintenance

Responding Exploring Building Integrating
Middle Later Earlier

Attends or responds briefly to people,things, or sounds

Shifts attention frequently from one person or thing to another

Maintains attention, on own or with adult support, during brief activities

Maintains attention, with adult support, during activities that last for extended periods of time

Maintains attention on own during activities that last for extended periods of time

There are no later levels for this measure



Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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ATL-REG 2: Self-Comforting

Responding Exploring Building Integrating
Middle Later Earlier

Responds to internal or external stimulation in basic ways

Engages in behaviors that have previously worked to soothe self

Comforts self by seeking a familiar adult or a special thing

Comforts self in different ways, based on the situation

Anticipates need for comfort and prepares self by asking questions, getting a special thing, or in other ways

There are no later levels for this measure



Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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ATL-REG 3: Imitation

Responding Exploring Building Integrating
Middle Later Earlier

Responds to facial expressions or vocalizations in basic ways

Imitates approximations of single simple actions or sounds when interacting with others

Imitates actions, or Repeats familiar words or gestures by others when interacting with them

Imitates a few actions, or Repeats familiar actions or words experienced at an earlier time

Imitates multiple steps of others’ actions, or Repeats phrases, experienced at an earlier time

There are no later levels for this measure



Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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ATL-REG 4: Curiosity and Initiative in Learning

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Responds to people, things, or sounds

Notices new or unexpected characteristics or actions of people or things

Explores people or things in the immediate environment

Explores new ways to use familiar things, including simple trial and error

Explores through simple observations, or manipulations, or asking simple questions

Explores by engaging in specific observations, manipulations, or by asking specific questions

Carries out simple investigations using familiar strategies, tools, or sources of information

Carries out multi-step investigations, using a variety of strategies, tools, or sources of information

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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ATL-REG 5: Self-Control of Feelings and Behavior

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Calms when comforted by an adult

Seeks a familiar adult when distressed, and responds when physically comforted by a familiar adult

Calms self when a familiar adult initiates contact, moves close, or offers a special thing

Relies on communication or guidance from a familiar adult to regulate emotional or behavioral reactions in moderately stressful situations

Demonstrates capacity to regulate emotional or behavioral reactions in some moderately stressful situations, occasionally needing adult support

Expresses strong feelings through constructive forms of communication, seeking the assistance of familiar adults when needed

Uses simple strategies (e.g., leaving a difficult situation, offering an alternative toy to a friend) to regulate own feelings or behaviors

Uses socially appropriate strategies (e.g., negotiation, compromise, verbal reminders to self) to regulate own feelings or behaviors

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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ATL-REG 6: Engagement and Persistence

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

There are no earlier levels for this measure

Participates in a simple activity briefly

Selects activities, but switches quickly from one to another, even with adult support to help focus on one activity

Continues self-selected activities with adult support, even though interest briefly shifts to other activities

Continues self-selected activities on own, seeking adult support to work through challenges

Works through challenges on own while engaged in self-selected activities

Returns to activities, including challenging ones, on multiple occasions to practice a skill or to complete the activity

Child is not yet at the earliest developmental level on this measure
Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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ATL-REG 7: Shared Use of Space and Materials

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

There are no earlier levels for this measure

Demonstrates preferences for a few specific toys or materials

Takes and plays with materials of interest, even when they are being used by another child

Shows awareness that other children might want to use materials, by taking action to control the materials

Maintains control of some preferred materials, allowing others to use the rest, but will need adult support to share preferred materials with other children

Follows expectations or procedures for sharing, most of the time, without adult prompting

Offers to share space or materials with others in the absence of explicit expectations for sharing

Child is not yet at the earliest developmental level on this measure
Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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Developmental Domain: SED — Social and Emotional Development

SED 1: Identity of Self in Relation to Others

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Responds in basic ways to others

Uses senses to explore self and others

Recognizes self and familiar people

Communicates own name and names of familiar people (e.g., "dada," "mama," "grandma," or sibling's name)

Expresses simple ideas about self and connection to others

Describes self or others based on physical characteristics

Describes own preferences or feelings; and Describes the feelings or desires of family members, friends, or other familiar people

Compares own preferences or feelings to those of others

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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SED 2: Social and Emotional Understanding

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Responds to faces, voices, or actions of other people

Shows awareness of what to expect from familiar people by responding to or anticipating their actions

Adjusts behavior in response to emotional expressions of familiar people, especially in novel or uncertain situations

Adjusts behavior in response to emotional expressions of people who are less familiar

Identifies own or others' feelings

Communicates, with adult assistance, about feelings that caused own behavior or others' behavior

Communicates ideas about why one has a feeling or what will happen as a result of a feeling

Communicates ideas about how own or another's personality affects how one thinks, feels, and acts

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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SED 3: Relationships and Social Interactions with Familiar Adults

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Responds to faces, voices, or actions of familiar people

Shows a preference for familiar adults and tries to interact with them

Interacts in simple ways with familiar adults and tries to maintain the interactions

Initiates activities with familiar adults; and Seeks out assistance or support from familiar adults

Engages in extended interactions with familiar adults in a variety of situations (e.g., sharing ideas or experiences, solving simple problems)

Seeks a familiar adult's ideas or explanations about events or experiences that are interesting to the child

Takes initiative in creating cooperative activities with a familiar adult

Works cooperatively with familiar adults, over sustained periods, to plan and carry out activities or to solve problems

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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SED 4: Relationships and Social Interactions with Peers

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Shows awareness of other people, including children

Shows interest in other children

Plays alongside other children, rarely interacting with them

Interacts in simple ways with familiar peers as they play side by side

Participates in brief episodes of cooperative play with one or two peers, especially those with whom child regularly plays

Participates in extended episodes of cooperative play (including pretend play) with one or two friends

Initiates sustained episodes of cooperative play (including pretend play), particularly with friends

Organizes or participates in planning cooperative play activities with several peers, particularly with friends

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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SED 5: Symbolic and Sociodramatic Play

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Responds to people or objects in basic ways

Explores people and objects in a variety of ways

Uses or combines objects in functional or meaningful ways

Pretends that an object represents another object or serves a different purpose

Engages in pretend play sequences

Engages in pretend play with others around a shared idea

Engages in roles in pretend-play sequences with others

Engages in pretend play sequences with others by organizing and negotiating roles or rules around a shared elaborated idea

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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Developmental Domain: LLD — Language and Literacy Development

LLD 1: Understanding of Language (Receptive)

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Responds to voices, sounds, gestures, or facial expressions in basic ways

Responds to voices, gestures, or facial expressions in a variety of ways (e.g., gaze aversion, vocalization, movements)

Recognizes a few frequently used words or gestures in familiar situations

Shows understanding of a variety of single words

Shows understanding of frequently used simple phrases or sentences

Shows understanding of a wide variety of phrases or sentences

Shows understanding of some complex vocabulary, phrases, or sentences as used in conversations, stories, or learning activities

Shows understanding of language that refers to abstract concepts, including imaginary events

Shows understanding of a series of complex statements that explain how or why things happen

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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LLD 2: Responsiveness to Language

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Responds to voices, sounds, gestures, or facial expressions in basic ways

Responds to voices, gestures, or facial expressions in a variety of ways (e.g., eye gaze, gaze aversion, vocalization, movements)

Responds to a few frequently used words or gestures in familiar situations

Responds to simple comments that relate to a present situation

Responds to one-step requests or questions that involve a familiar activity or routine

Carries out a one-step request that relates to a new or an unfamiliar activity or situation

Carries out multi-step requests that involve a familiar activity or situation

Carries out multi-step requests that involve a new or unfamiliar activity or situation

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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LLD 3: Communication and Use of Language (Expressive)

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Makes sounds spontaneously

Uses sounds, gestures, or facial expressions to communicate

Uses a few "first words," word-like sounds, or gestures to communicate

Uses a variety of single words to communicate

Uses two words together to communicate

Uses short phrases or sentences of more than two words to communicate

Uses short sentences that contain nouns, verbs, and other words, such as adjectives and recently encountered vocabulary, to communicate

Uses phrases and sentences with a variety of word forms, including past tense, future tense, plurals, pronouns, or possessives, to communicate, sometimes with errors

Combines phrases and sentences with a variety of word forms to communicate ideas or to describe people, objects, or events

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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LLD 4: Reciprocal Communication and Conversation

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Responds to sounds or movements of others in basic ways

Responds to or seeks contact with familiar adults, using vocalizations, gestures, or facial expressions during interactions

Engages in brief back-and-forth communication with a familiar adult, using word approximations, vocalizations, gestures, or facial expressions

Engages in brief back-and-forth communication with a familiar adult, using simple words or conventional gestures to communicate meaning

Engages in brief back-and-forth communication, combining words to communicate meaning

Engages in brief back-and-forth communication, using short phrases and sentences

Engages in brief conversations with a shared focus

Engages in conversations with a shared focus, contributing clarifying comments or building on the other person's ideas

Engages in extended focused conversations that involve reasoning, predicting, problem solving, or understanding ideas

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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LLD 5: Interest in Literacy

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Attends or responds to people or things in basic ways

Plays with books; and Responds to other literacy activities

Attends briefly to a familiar adult reading books, singing songs, or saying rhymes

Looks at books on own briefly, or Chooses to join reading, singing, or rhyming activities led by an adult

Looks at books page by page, or Participates, from beginning to end, in listening to stories, singing songs, or playing rhyming games, when supported by an adult

Initiates looking at and talking about books, listening to and talking about stories, singing songs, or playing rhyming games

Extends literacy activities by retelling a story, drawing pictures about a story, or acting out a story

Initiates literacy activities that relate to classroom experiences as well as to own experiences or interests

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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LLD 6: Comprehension of Age-Appropriate Text

Responding Exploring Building Integrating



There are no earlier levels for this measure

Shows interest when attending to books, pictures, or print materials, with an adult

Provides simple one- or two-word responses to questions when attending to books or other materials that include text, with an adult

Makes comments or asks questions about text presented in books or the environment

Demonstrates knowledge of main characters, events, or ideas in familiar narrative or informational text

Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of details in narrative or informational text that includes order of events or cause and effect

Demonstrates understanding of both narrative and informational text by summarizing, comparing, or making inferences about people, objects, or events

Child is not yet at the earliest developmental level on this measure
Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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LLD 7: Concepts About Print

Responding Exploring Building Integrating



There are no earlier levels for this measure

Explores books

Engages with print materials while being read to by an adult

Demonstrates awareness of the way books are handled

Demonstrates understanding that print and symbols carry meaning

Demonstrates understanding of how to follow print on a page of text

Demonstrates understanding that print is organized into units, such as letters, sounds, and words

Child is not yet at the earliest developmental level on this measure
Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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LLD 8: Phonological Awareness

Responding Exploring Building Integrating



There are no earlier levels for this measure

Attends to sounds or elements of language

Demonstrates awareness of variations in sounds

Engages actively in play with sounds in words or rhymes, or Sings simple songs, or Repeats simple nursery rhymes

Demonstrates awareness of larger units of language (e.g., words, syllables)

Blends larger units of language (e.g., compound words and syllables) with or without the support of pictures or objects; and Segments larger units of language (e.g., compound words and syllables) with or without the support of pictures or objects

Blends smaller units of language (e.g., onsets and rimes), with or without the support of pictures or objects; and Segments smaller units of language (e.g., onsets and rimes), with or without the support of pictures or objects

Child is not yet at the earliest developmental level on this measure
Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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LLD 9: Letter and Word Knowledge

Responding Exploring Building Integrating



There are no earlier levels for this measure

Demonstrates awareness that pictures represent people or things

Demonstrates awareness of a few common simple symbols in the environment

Demonstrates awareness of a few letters in the environment

Identifies some letters by name

Identifies ten or more letters (not necessarily at the same time); and Shows understanding that letters make up words

Identifies most uppercase letters; and Identifies most lowercase letters; and Shows understanding to a sound in words

Child is not yet at the earliest developmental level on this measure
Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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LLD 10: Emergent Writing

Responding Exploring Building Integrating



There are no earlier levels for this measure

Makes marks on paper

Makes scribble marks

Makes scribble marks or simple drawings that represent people, things, or events

Makes marks to represent own name or words

Uses letters or clearly recognizable approximations of letters to write own name

Writes several words or a few simple phrases, or clearly recognizable approximations

Child is not yet at the earliest developmental level on this measure
Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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Developmental Domain: ELD — English—Language Development

ELD 1: Comprehension of English (Receptive English)

Discovering Language
Discovering English
Exploring English
Developing English
Building English
Integrating English

Recognizes a few frequently used words or gestures in the home language and culture in familiar situations

Shows understanding of words and phrases in conversations, stories, and interactions in home language (may show little understanding of common words and phrases in English)

Attends to interactions in English and sometimes participates in activities conducted in English; and Shows understanding of a few common English words in familiar contexts or routines

Shows understanding of some common words and phrases in English during interactions and activities conducted in English, occasionally with support of home language, nonverbal cues, or both

Shows understanding of many words, phrases, and concepts in English during interactions and activities conducted in English, occasionally with support of home language, nonverbal cues, or both

Shows understanding of most information and concepts communicated in English for both instructional and social purposes

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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ELD 2: Self-Expression in English (Expressive English)

Discovering Language
Discovering English
Exploring English
Developing English
Building English
Integrating English

Uses a few "first words" or word-like sounds or gestures to communicate in home language

Communicates in home language or nonverbally, or both

Communicates most competently in home language, occasionally using single words or short memorized sequences of words in English

Communicates in English, using single words and common phrases (may mix English with home language)/strong>

Communicates in English, using sentences that may be incomplete (may contain grammatical errors and may mix English with home language)

Communicates in English, often using complete sentences, about a variety of social and instructional concepts and topics (may contain grammatical errors and may mix English with home language)

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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ELD 3: Understanding and Response to English Literacy Activities

Discovering Language
Discovering English
Exploring English
Developing English
Building English
Integrating English

Attends briefly to a familiar adult looking at books, singing songs, or saying rhymes in home language

Participates in literacy activities in home language; and Attends to simple literacy activities in English with some support

Uses home language, gestures, or single words in English to show understanding of literacy activities in English

Uses frequently used words and short phrases in English to communicate understanding about a book, story, song, or poem told, read, or sung in English (often uses actions; may mix English with home language)

Uses a variety of words and phrases in English to communicate understanding about key ideas of a book, story, song, or poem told, read, or sung in English (sometimes uses actions; may mix English with home language)

Uses elaborated English phrases with a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures to communicate understanding of the content of a book, story, song, or poem (may mix English with home language)

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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ELD 4: Symbol, Letter, and Print Knowledge in English

Discovering Language
Discovering English
Exploring English
Developing English
Building English
Integrating English

Demonstrates awareness that pictures or objects can represent people or things

Demonstrates awareness that symbols carry meaning or that print in home language carries meaning

Demonstrates awareness that print in English carries meaning

Demonstrates understanding that English print consists of distinct letters with names in English

Identifies several English letters; and Recognizes own name in English print

Identifies at least ten English letters; and Identifies a few printed words frequently used in English

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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Developmental Domain: COG — Cognition, Including Math and Science

COG 1: Spatial Relationships

Responding Exploring Building Integrating
Middle Later Earlier

Moves body parts in basic ways

Attends or responds as objects, people, or own body move through space

Explores how self or objects fit in or fill up different spaces

Explores spatial relationships (e.g., distance, position, direction), or movement of self or objects through space, trying a variety of possibilities

Takes into account spatial relationships (e.g., distance, position, direction) and physical properties (e.g., size, shape) when exploring possibilities of fitting objects together or moving through space

There are no later levels for this measure



Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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COG 2: Classification

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Attends to people, objects, or events

Interacts differently with familiar people and objects than with unfamiliar people and objects

Associates a person or object with another person or object, based on a similarity or relationship between them

Selects some objects that are similar from a collection of objects

Sorts objects into two groups based on one attribute, but not always accurately

Sorts objects accurately into two or more groups based on one attribute

Sorts objects into two or more groups based on one attribute, then puts all the objects together and re-sorts the entire collection into new groups

Sorts objects into groups based on at least two attributes, sometimes sorting by one attribute and then subdividing those groups based on a second attribute

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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COG 3: Number Sense of Quantity

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Responds to people or objects in basic ways

Responds to changes in the number of objects observed or interacted with

Demonstrates awareness of quantity

Uses number names, but not always correctly, in situations related to number or quantity

Identifies small quantities without counting, up to three

Counts up to five objects using one-to-one correspondence; and Recites numbers in order, one through ten

Shows understanding that the last number counted is the total number of objects in the group

Solves simple everyday problems involving numbers by counting up to 10 objects using one-to-one correspondence; and Recites numbers correctly, up to 20

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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COG 4: Number Sense of Math Operations

Responding Exploring Building Integrating


There are no earlier levels for this measure

Demonstrates awareness of quantity

Manipulates objects and explores the change in the number in a group

Demonstrates understanding that adding objects to a group makes more or that taking away objects makes fewer or less

Identifies the new number of objects after one object is added to or removed from a set of two or three objects

Uses counting to add or subtract one or two objects to or from a group of at least four objects

Solves simple addition or subtraction word problems by using fingers or objects to represent numbers or by mental calculation

Child is not yet at the earliest developmental level on this measure
Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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COG 5: Measurement

Responding Exploring Building Integrating


There are no earlier levels for this measure

Demonstrates awareness that objects differ by properties (e.g., size, length, weight, or capacity)

Explores how objects differ by properties (e.g., size, length, weight, capacity)

Shows understanding of some measurable properties (e.g., size, length, weight, capacity) or uses words (e.g., "big," "heavy") to describe some measurable properties

Identifies differences in size, length, weight, or capacity between two objects, using comparative words (e.g., "bigger," "smaller") or showing understanding of comparative words

Orders three or more objects by directly comparing them using a measurable property (e.g., size, length, weight, capacity)

Explores the properties of objects (e.g., size, length, weight, capacity) through either the use of measurement tools with standard units (e.g., ruler, scale) or the use of nonstandard units (e.g., footsteps, blocks)

Child is not yet at the earliest developmental level on this measure
Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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COG 6: Patterning

Responding Exploring Building Integrating


There are no earlier levels for this measure

Notices and responds to simple repeating sequences

Participates in some parts of simple repeating sequences in language, movement, music, everyday routines, or interactions

Matches simple sequences that are seen, heard, or experienced

Attempts to create simple repeating patterns (with two elements)

Extends a simple repeating pattern (with two elements) by adding one or more repetitions of an existing pattern

Creates, copies, or extends complex patterns (with three or more elements)

Child is not yet at the earliest developmental level on this measure
Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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COG 7: Shapes

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

There are no earlier levels for this measure

Explores shapes of objects

Manipulates objects based on shape

Matches similar shapes and distinguishes them from dissimilar shapes without necessarily naming them

Identifies or names several shapes in the environment (e.g., circles, squares, triangles)

Recognizes shapes when they are presented in different orientations or as parts of other objects

Describes several shapes and the differences between them

Child is not yet at the earliest developmental level on this measure
Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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Developmental Domain: PD–HLTH — Physical Development–Health

PD-HLTH 1: Perceptual-Motor Skills and Movement Concepts

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Responds to sensory information or input (e.g., visual, auditory, tactile) with basic movements of body parts

Responds to sensory information by moving body or limbs to reach for or move toward people or objects

Uses sensory information to control body while exploring people, objects, or changes in the physical environment

Demonstrates awareness of major body parts by exploring their movement potential

Tries different ways to coordinate movements of large or small body parts

Adjusts, with adult guidance, aspects of movement (e.g., effort, spatial, directional) in relation to people and objects

Anticipates and then adjusts, on own, aspects of movement (e.g., effort, spatial, directional) in relation to people and objects in familiar spaces

Anticipates and then adjusts aspects of movement (e.g., effort, spatial, directional) during new activities, in changed environments, or on different surfaces

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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PD-HLTH 2: Gross Locomotor Movement Skills

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Moves in basic and often involuntary ways

Moves two or more body parts together, often with intention

Coordinates movements of body parts to move whole body, such as creeping, crawling, or scooting on bottom

Coordinates movement of whole body while upright, using support

Coordinates basic movements in an upright position without using support

Coordinates movements, in an upright position, that momentarily move whole body off the ground

Coordinates and controls individual locomotor movements, with some success

Combines and coordinates two or more locomotor movements together in effective ways, with some success

Combines a variety of locomotor movements and moves effectively across a range of activities

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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PD-HLTH 3: Gross Motor Manipulative Skills

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Moves in basic and often involuntary ways

Uses arms, legs, or body to move toward or reach for people or objects

Uses arms, legs, or body to engage in simple, repeated actions on objects

Uses arms, legs, or body in various ways to manipulate objects, while in positions such as sitting, moving on all fours, or upright, using support

Manipulates objects, using one or more body parts, with limited stability

Manipulates objects, using one or more body parts, with stability but limited coordination

Uses two or more movements sequentially to manipulate objects, sometimes pausing briefly between movements

Coordinates arms, legs, or body to manipulate objects, with connected sequential or simultaneous movements

Applies a variety of manipulative skills, in combination with locomotor skills, in different physical activities

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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PD-HLTH 4: Fine Motor Manipulative Skills

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Moves arms or hands in basic ways

Uses arms or hands to make contact with objects in the environment

Grasps objects with entire hand

Grasps objects with fingers and thumb

Explores ways to use one hand, or to use both hands doing the same movements, to manipulate objects

Manipulates objects with one hand while stabilizing the objects with other hand or with another part of body

Manipulates objects with both hands doing different movements

Manipulates objects, using hands, with strength, accuracy, and coordination

Performs, with efficiency, a variety of tasks that require precise manipulation of small objects

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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PD-HLTH 5: Safety

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Reacts to unpleasant stimulation or events in basic ways

Responds to situations that make child feel unsafe

Seeks to make contact with familiar adult

Follows adults' guidance about basic safety practices

Follows basic safety practices, with close adult supervision

Follows basic safety practices on own in familiar environments, with occasional adult reminders

Applies basic safety practices on own across different situations

Communicates an understanding of some safety practices to others

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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PD-HLTH 6: Personal Care Routines: Hygiene

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Responds in basic ways during personal care routines that involve hygiene

Responds in ways that demonstrate awareness of a hygiene routine

Anticipates one or two steps of a hygiene routine

Participates in own hygiene routines, with an adult

Carries out some steps of own hygiene routines, with specific adult guidance or demonstration

Carries out most steps of familiar hygiene routines, with occasional reminders of when or how to do them

Initiates and carries out most steps of familiar hygiene routines on own

Initiates and completes familiar hygiene routines on own

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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PD-HLTH 7: Personal Care Routines: Feeding

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Responds in basic ways during feeding

Shows interest in participating in the process of being fed

Feeds self some finger food items

Feeds self some foods using a spoon and cup, sometimes needing help

Feeds self a wide variety of foods using a spoon, fork, and an open cup

Serves self or others by scooping or pouring from containers

Prepares simple foods to serve to self or others

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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PD-HLTH 8: Personal Care Routines: Dressing

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

Responds in basic ways during dressing

Responds in ways that demonstrate awareness of a dressing routine

Anticipates one or two steps of a dressing routine

Participates with adult in dressing self

Puts on clothing that is simple to manipulate, sometimes with adult assistance

Dresses self, but still needs assistance with parts of clothing that are particularly challenging (e.g., buttons, fasteners, zippers)

Dresses self, including clothing with parts that are particularly challenging (e.g., buttons, fasteners, zippers)

Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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PD-HLTH 9: Active Physical Play

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

There are no earlier levels for this measure

Engages in brief instances of physical play

Engages in active physical play for short periods of time

Engages in active physical activities or play for moderate amounts of time

Engages in active physical activities or play for sustained amounts of time

Engages regularly in active physical activities or play for sustained periods of time, with occasional bursts of intensity

Seeks to engage in active physical activities or play routinely, with increased intensity and duration

Child is not yet at the earliest developmental level on this measure
Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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PD-HLTH 10: Nutrition

Responding Exploring Building Integrating

There are no earlier levels for this measure

Shows a preference for several favorite foods

Shows interest in a variety of foods

Recognizes or identifies a variety of foods

Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of a variety of foods

Shows awareness that some foods are more healthful than others

Communicates simple explanations about the healthfulness of different food choices

Child is not yet at the earliest developmental level on this measure
Child is emerging to the next developmental level     Unable to rate this measure due to extended absence


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