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Child's name:________________________
Assessment period:________________________
Family Member:________________________
Date of Conversation:________/________/________
If confident with existing documentation (including your and other's observations) indicate a rating.
If more information/documentation is needed to rate the measure, fill in the other columns for that measure.
Measures on the DRDP (2015) Approaches to Learning–Self-Regulation (ATL-REG) |
Indicate |
List family and child routines/activities that are likely opportunities for observing skills related to the measure |
Indicate which of these routines/activities you want to observe |
List questions or prompts to ask the family or other providers about these routines/activities |
Keep notes from conversation |
1. Attention Maintenance |
2. Self-Comforting |
3. Imitation |
Approaches to Learning–Self-Regulation (ATL-REG) |
Rating |
Routines/activities |
Observe |
Questions/prompts for family or other providers |
Keep notes from conversation |
4. Curiosity and Initiative in Learning |
5. Self-Control of Feelings and Behavior |
6. Engagement and Persistence |
7. Shared Use of Space and Materials |
Social and Emotional Development (SED) |
Rating |
Routines/activities |
Observe |
Questions/prompts for family or other providers |
Keep notes from conversation |
1. Identity of Self in Relation to Others |
2. Social and Emotional Understanding |
3. Relationships and Social Interactions with Familiar Adults Child develops close relationships with one or more familiar adults (including family members) and interacts in an increasingly competent and cooperative manner with familiar adults |
4. Relationships and Social Interactions with Peers Child becomes increasingly competent and cooperative in interactions with peers and develops friendships with several peers |
5. Symbolic and Sociodramatic Play |
Language and Literacy Development (LLD) |
Rating |
Routines/activities |
Observe |
Questions/prompts for family or other providers |
Keep notes from conversation |
1. Understanding of Language (Receptive) Child understands increasingly complex communication and language |
2. Responsiveness to Language |
3. Communication and Use of Language (Expressive) Child's communication develops from nonverbal communication to using language with increasingly complex words and sentences |
4. Reciprocal Communication and Conversation Child engages in back-and-forth communication that develops into increasingly extended conversations |
5. Interest in Literacy |
6. Comprehension of Age-Appropriate Text |
7. Concepts About Print |
8. Phonological Awareness |
9. Letter and Word Knowledge |
10. Emergent Writing |
English—Language Development (ELD) |
Rating |
Routines/activities |
Observe |
Questions/prompts for family or other providers |
Keep notes from conversation |
1. Comprehension of English (Receptive English) Child understands increasingly complex communication and language |
2. Self-Expression in English (Expressive English) Child shows increasing progress toward fluency in speaking English |
3. Understanding and Response to English Literacy Activities Child shows an increasing understanding of and response to books, stories, songs, and poems presented in English |
4. Symbol, Letter, and Print Knowledge in English Child shows an increasing understanding that print in English carries meaning |
Cognition, Including Math and Science (COG) |
Rating |
Routines/activities |
Observe |
Questions/prompts for family or other providers |
Keep notes from conversation |
1. Spatial Relationships |
2. Classification |
3. Number Sense of Quantity |
4. Number Sense of Math Operations |
5. Measurement |
6. Patterning |
7. Shapes |
Physical Development–Health (PD-HLTH) |
Rating |
Routines/activities |
Observe |
Questions/prompts for family or other providers |
Keep notes from conversation |
1. Perceptual-Motor Skills and Movement Concepts Child moves body and interacts with the environment, demonstrating increasing awareness of own physical effort, body awareness, spatial awareness, and directional awareness |
2. Gross Locomotor Movement Skills |
3. Gross Motor Manipulative Skills |
4. Fine Motor Manipulative Skills |
5. Safety |
6. Personal Care Routines: Hygiene |
7. Personal Care Routines: Feeding |
8. Personal Care Routines: Dressing |
9. Active Physical Play |
10. Nutrition |